Here are a few new pieces. The new cat drawing is called Tuna Dreams. It's about dreaming about what you love. I'm currently working on this painting in oils. Someone asked me where do you get your ideas. I carry a sketchbook around everyday in my backpack and jot down random ideas from my daily experience. It's amazing what you will see are think in a single day that is great content for a painting or piece of art. Most of my drawings just start as interesting shapes that emerge into something. I try not to think about it too much and just let God inspire me as I move my pencil around the paper. The focus for me is to try to make beautiful shapes and lines. Creativity is never the same. I don't completely understand but each fish or cat I draw looks different from the last. No two look the same. It's part of one body of work. For those of you drawing today, Happy drawing!
Art love,
Those are really wonderful. I'm not much of an artist, but love looking at it. Sparks my imagination. :)